Alannah Guevara
Alex Carrigan
Amanda Adrienne Smith
Andrew Rivas
arushi (aera) rege
Billie Sainwood
Calla C Smith
Daniel Lukes
Danielle McMahon
Devon Webb
Dustin B
G. Lynn Brown
Ivy L. James
Jane Bloomfield

J.R. Wilkerson
Justin Carter
Kyla Guimaraes
Matthew Bullen
nat raum
Nhat Huy Nguyen
Noll Griffin
Parker Logan
RB Tower
Sarah R. New
Stephanie Anderson
Stephen Moran
Taylor Brunson
tommy wyatt
Cover art by Koss

Hey pals.

In the midst of April’s Twitter discourse, we wanted to say “fuck you” to literary and artistic elitism. So we sought submissions for an issue that didn’t have anything to do with who creators were or where they’ve been published. We didn’t make judgements on a work’s fit, and we didn’t have a theme. Instead, we accepted each piece that had “slop” in the email title or body.

When submissions came in, we quickly realized this issue was going to be much more than a cathartic scream into the void. Poets, writers, and artists sent us a feast of ache, beauty, love, and silliness. Each piece demonstrates how art and literature is needed and necessary. And we’re not talking about the canon, the elite publications, or the capitalist institutions that hide under the guise of education. YOUR art is needed. YOUR art is necessary. Even if no other soul but yours bears witness to your art, it still feeds a hunger.

We serve The Slop Issue with great pleasure and hope you enjoy mucking around in the trough of artistic and literary chaos. Remember that there’s room for everyone, including you.

Also, if you have a minute, consider donating to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (established in 1992) as they actively work to bring relief to people affected by the ongoing genocide in Gaza. If you don’t have spare cash, please spread the word about trusted charities that people can donate to.  A lot of people with a few bucks to spare can make a big difference.

Make art. Be kind. Keep it rad.

Chel Campbell
Founding Editor of MEMEZINE

Editor’s Note