Justin Carter


Retweet if you’re ready for Game 7. Retweet if you think about the e.e. cummings phrase puddle-wonderful more often than you should. Retweet if everything is so hybrid that nothing is really hybrid. Retweet if you think Livvy Dunne rizzed up Baby Gronk. Retweet if language has no meaning & all meaning simultaneously. Retweet if you burned the eclipse into your eyes. Retweet if you’re writing a lot of slop these days. Retweet if you still call it a retweet. Retweet if that was a foul. Retweet if you like sloths. Retweet if you’re prepared for the apocalypse. Retweet if you have been retweeted. Retweet if you often find yourself wondering what’s happening. Retweet if the baby is crying. Retweet if you’ve been rewatching Frasier so long that now the episodes are only background noise. Retweet if you want to organize something—anything, really, it doesn’t matter as long as we can find some sense of connection in this fucked-up world, as long as we can figure out how to change just one, small thing. Retweet if you want to. Retweet if you don’t.

Justin Carter is the author of Brazos (Belle Point Press, 2024). His poems have appeared in The Adroit Journal, Bat City Review, DIAGRAM, and other spaces. Originally from the Texas Gulf Coast, Justin currently lives in Iowa and works as a sports writer and editor. He tweets at @juscarts.


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