Bobby Threesticks

“Two fibonacci truths and a lie to myself”



to play

games online

but in my thirties

I began to realize slowly

that not only am I unable to match the youth

I’m not welcome in the space, should hide my face, an elderly man forgetting his place





i’ve hardly ever

spoken my mind true

it took about thirty-one years

and the sweet benevolence of anonymity

for me to carry forth the courage of saying what I truly believe about life


untitled prayer

I’ll take number five to place in the fourth

and number three to win

thanks Paul, wish me luck?


fuck you too

see you later

I sit down on the wet aluminum bench

water stains my ass

I don’t care

who do I have to impress?

all the other regulars know

this is my race

and if I win it with my ass soaked through

then all the sweeter

Horn sounds

gate drops

dust flies


no one can hear me

not even myself

for a moment

I have hope

hope that I can be someone

hope that the other guys see me win

hope that I can buy a round at the bar

hope that I can gas up the car

hope that I fucking die

hope that I never come back to this fuckin place

hope that I win just one

Bobby Threesticks is a fungal superorganism consisting of many angry men attempting to maintain a facade of self-control. When not taking long walks on the beach, he enjoys foraging throughout the greater Boston area for momentary glimpses of self-recognition.


Shaurya Pathania